Sunday, June 10, 2012

David, what the heck are you slowing down for?

The sun was bright and the sky was that clear blue color dotted only by a few white puffy clouds; beckoning all to come away and enjoy the day.  And so, my husband and I took advantage of the rare spontaneous moment and decided to go for a bike ride together.  It had been nearly two years since our last bike ride.

I was not in the best of shape, as a year and a half of cancer and its treatments had taken a toll on my body. Yet, I was determined to do something active with my husband.  Finding any time to do something "fun" with my husband was a feat in and of itself.  Sharing him with many children, a grandson, and three jobs often left us to logistical conversations and brief kisses as we crossed paths. So this was an opportunity to be seized!

The new bike was an effortless ride.  The breeze was just enough to dance and tickle around my body as it burst forward through time and space.  My dearly beloved ahead of me, leading the way, filled me with contentment as I followed.  Speed picked up and I was just getting "into" the enjoyment of the day.  Then, I saw my leader slow down.

The words in my head whined, No(!) David, what the heck are you slowing down  for?...I am just getting going and I am liking this...why are you making me stop and lose my momentum!

David stopped the bike totally.  As I slowed to a stop just behind him, he leaned over sideways and picked a daisy from the side of the path and extended it to me with a smile and twinkle of love in his eyes.  Daisies are my favorite and he knew it!

My heart melted and I returned a gentle kiss as he tucked the flower stem under my spandex strap.  In seconds we were off again enjoying the day - sunshine, blue sky, and breeze.  As I took in the view of my husband in the lead I gave an audible thank you to my Father in Heaven.

I was reminded of God's divine interruptions in my life; the moments when He slows things down and stops things with the purpose of showing or teaching me something.  I am often whining in my head, No, Lord, why are you doing this...I am just getting going on my own way here....  But, like my husband modeled today, my Father God extends to me things that He knows will delight me; things that will touch my heart in just the right way to impress upon me His presence and His love for me.

Philippians 4:4 calls me to "Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say rejoice."  My Father delights in me simply because He made me, I am His, and I love Him.  All because of the purposeful pick of a daisy I am rejoicing in the Lord!  He is such a cool bless-er!

Isn't it great to know that God knows exactly what will delight us in a day?!


  1. Wow. Guess I made the right move that time!

  2. Thank you for this wonderful reminder!!!

    1. As I was thankful for God showing me today...we all need constant reminders....I am learning that the more I get to know Him, the more He reveals to me.

  3. What a nice reminder that 'pauses' along the way are not 'stops'. Well done!
